Sunak's family firm seals BP's billion-dollar deal amidst North Sea oil frenzy

Family Ties and Corporate Deals: The Rishi Sunak Connection

In a development raising eyebrows and sparking public interest, a company founded by Rishi Sunak's father-in-law recently entered into a significant billion-dollar deal with BP merely two months before the Prime Minister unveiled numerous licenses for oil and gas extraction in the North Sea.

Infosys' Mega Deal with BP: A Closer Look

As reported by the Times of India in May, Infosys, an Indian IT giant, secured a monumental deal with the global energy powerhouse, marking one of the largest transactions in the firm's history. Notably, Infosys is under the ownership of the Prime Minister's wife's family, although Sunak has been swift to dismiss any suggestion of "legitimate public interest" in the matter.

Fortuitous Timing or More Than Coincidence?

Nevertheless, emerging revelations disclose that the IT behemoth has been actively engaged in public sector contracts worth a staggering £172 million in the United Kingdom. Observers are quick to point out the fortuitous timing of the government's push to ramp up oil and gas exploration in the North Sea.

Shell's Presence in the Picture

Adding to the intrigue, Infosys counts Shell, another prominent energy giant, among its major clients. Recently, Shell's CEO joined Rishi Sunak's newly formed business council, pledging an open and "candid collaboration" with the government.

Defending Government Actions: Sunak's Stance

Despite mounting concerns, Sunak vehemently defends the granting of fresh oil and gas licenses, asserting that such actions are in complete alignment with the UK's commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The Prime Minister himself reiterated the nation's reliance on oil and gas, predicting that they would still fulfil 25 percent of the country's energy needs even in the net-zero future. It was Boris Johnson who emphasised the government's aim to domestically power Britain, aiming to reduce dependency on unfriendly foreign sources. However, 80% of British oil is exported overseas, while a mere 4% of British gas imports come from Russia, with Norway supplying the vast majority. What's more, export gas production will in no way contribute to lower gas prices as those prices are set by the international gas markets.  

Implications and Public Debate

The intricate interplay between government policy, energy giants, and major corporations has evoked widespread debate on the implications for the UK's energy landscape and environmental ambitions. As scrutiny intensifies, the public remains keen on understanding the broader ramifications of these developments for the nation's path towards sustainability.


  • I joined this a while back and left again as it is 75% anti Tory and only 25% anti Brexit. It seems to have not changed so bye bye.

    If you want to rejoin stop Tory bashing. without Tory remainers rejoin is impossible.

  • Honestly I’m speechless! It beggars belief!

    Sue Hill
  • How strange it is that this nefarious , mendacious “government” of charlatans is quite happy to vehemently criticise and CONdemn corruption in all other countries and regimes – whilst hiding behind its own (supposedly !) blameless “integrity” ??

    Chris Thurston

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